A rose blossoming in the season of spring. A sunrise waiting to peek its glorious rays over the mountains. A secret hidding inside the pandora's box. An angel voice waiting to be heard
Saturday, September 29, 2007
All right this is totally random, was viewing my brother's fwenster last nite and saw this picture!! hMMm think it was daddy's birthday when we took this, i like it! i think it's the only picture when i looked good without any makeup and skin tone was same as my brother's! means i must have been really tan -_- when i'm trying really hard not to be. Miss those days when i tied my hair like this, seems nicer! i love messy hair, hmm i guess my hair was messy to begin with, just messy in an atrocious way, which is bad.
Anyway weekends are here, i was soooo hyper-active ytd cos i was sooo looking forward to my weekends with fish, we can finally take a breath from work/ns, rent some dvds, haf some good food, read some books, and basically just spend quality time together! and spend a little bit of time posting all my pictures. ahhhhhh i kinda love my job now that it has a totally different job scope. See the most expensive condominiums and meet rich fags ^-^o the apartments are veri modern and the interior feels veri zen, veri warm, f*** i wished i had a 4mil apartment like that! The view is magnificent from the penthouse T_T i think wad i love the private elevator concept the most! right to their doorstep, damn!
Residences @ Evelyn
They haf special glass panels so you can see your other half bathe through the glass panel hahah, reminds me of Christian Troy's home from Nip/Tuck! kinky =D
Newton Suites
i love their bathroom concept! See through glass panels O_O
i think i prefer their patio! the walls made of wooden planks gives off a veri warm ambience, veri soothing. can say hi to your neighbours next door!
SEXY SHARON! oK, so much for now, alt-tabbing btw games and blog ._. tagan has been incredible! Plays with me every night, super nice ^-^o trying to climb the ladder.
This was my record with baby though!
Rank 2! Tagan and i are rank 5, trying veri hard to get to 36! Wish us luck! :D
I was just sifting through what's left of MY MUSIC folder in my computer (this baby almost crashed on me again!!) and i happened to find this song that i recorded about 4 years ago in the folder. hahahaha i think it was the first song i recorded which was posted on the alt website.
I'd haf lost this song if not for Daryl who sent it to me by chance, it was just one day when he asked me if i sang any songs, or if i knew Chloee, haha that was my alter ego on wc3 when i didnt want anyone to know who i was, and i was shocked that he knew abt it becos, well why would he right? no link. nfi how he had his hands on the song and why he kept it, i thought he knew c0w. lol many ppl asked me many times who helped played the song on the guitar, and seriously i didnt mean to laugh or sounded like i was gasping for air during 1 part of the song, but he missed a chord haha and it was like my first or second try so i was stunned for moment but i didnt wanna re-record it incase i screw up, and i always screw it up.
Okay so here's Only One (it's by Yellowcard anyway)
Ahh i've not able to finish my entry cos there seems to be alot of interruption (for instance the crashing) everytime i try to complete one so i'll probably just post all the pictures with 5 word sentences.
Anyway, it's Cheehong's birthday today, so happy happy birthday, hope it's phat, fly and super fun o^-^o
Well before i begin to embark on my veri long post, here's a special entry for a veri special person, who's fwen approached me and asked for a tiny favour! Veri sweet on his part but i was a lil troubled!
He wanted me to sing a birthday song for his good fwen haha, initially i thot that was really weird, though quite flattering but still awkward since i don't know his fwen. So i told my mom and she smiled and said," Why don't sing!" Apparently veri happy for me (god knows why), so embarrassing, but i gave it some thought and well, if i could make someone feel happy for 1 day, (on his birthday somemore!), why not?
So here's a song i recently did (not fabulous but i think passable, hope you don't mind :/), i'm so sorry i can't sing you a birthday song cos i caught a really bad bad cold and my nose is all runny and wad not, and throat is swollen today, perfect :D Really sorry >.<
And also happy birthday to Qianhao, big silly boy, don't be so stressed up, what'll come will come =D Cheers :>
I began listening to chinese pop songs when i was little, under the influence of my parents of cos, but you know my dad used to speak english, well he spoke english all the time and my mom spoke chinese so i thought my dad was a christian becos he spoke english. so it was funny, coming to think of it now. so anyway, i was really crazy about Ah Mei when i was 10, and she was a new singer then, who had her first Bad boy hit(i think), but that wasn't the song that made me adore her, it was Ting Hai! i can rmb vividly, sitting on the floor alone @ my aunt's place watching her mtv on the big screen for the first time, the song was awe-inspiring, considered 1 of her classic hits.
1 of the highest notes i heard her hit in this song. GOSU!
Of cos then, many ppl know i love singing Coco's songs, well not becos she's a sexbomb who happens to be a doctor and can dance as well as she can sing and rated one of the most perfect women on earth but sigh she IS so that's a HUGE plus point but only becos her songs have a beautiful melody to it, and many of the love songs have veri sad, touching stories. You know it's just the right combination of lyrics and melody.
So there you have it! One of the most touching songs, almost broke down when i sang it once. (and i really wonder if stephen feng is gay in this show, anyone watched it?)
Mariah Carey, first western singer that really opened up my world to english music. She was one of the best during the 1990's, with an unimaginable number of hit songs under her belt since the age of 20. Not to forget her insanely and inhumanly use of whistle register, she can probably communicate with dolphins!
One of my favourite songs, a cover, but still one of my favourite. And becos i really really adore her, there are 2 videos! The 2nd song - After tonight, didnt have an official video but listening to it always had me in clutching my pillow in tears(no im just exaggerrating) becos of the melancholic lyrics, becos even tho i hadn't been thru the situation, i could still relate to it, ok that sentece sounded weird.
Becos i could relate to what she sang in Fighter, in Beautiful, becos she doesn't give a fcuk what she wears, lest to say what paparazzis would write about her in the papers, becos she has come a really really long way and it wasnt easy, but she made it through and that inspires me.
I listened and learnt alot from her style which is really my cup of tea, i'd pay a million bucks (if i ever will haf) to sit down and haf a chat with her! And you know she always does the running thing when she sings, i wonder abt the incredulous amount of breathe she has in that little tummy!! And she always manages to hit those ungodly notes which NO ONE can imitate, and her rehearsals are far better than most singers in their best performances..*gulps*
She's a veri special person and God gave her a veri special gift! Cos that's what i think, i think i worship her hahahah! Well honestly i don't give 2 hoots if she wore skanky outfits or cursed and swear on tv, that's who she is, that's who she wants to be and she loves what she does, and to me that's something. Listening to her songs (not to be cliche here but) definitely changed my life(esp when i was really plump and lost back in secondary sch), esp watching her perform live, she is sensational, the energy and aura she exudes, and the way she works the crowd differently everytime but still being herself is truely divine and inspirational.
So here's lettin you in on her childhood story..
Her funniest moments!
The most beautiful AND meaningful song from the album "Stripped". This is the thing about live performances, not everyone can do it better live, but she damn well can, and it feels veri orginal yet different each time she performs on a different stage. a za!
Her songs are always personal and this is one of the songs she wrote, which i attempted to sing, so pls pardon me if you notice the flat notes and the broken voice cos it's 4 in the morning (and the tears are pouring and i .. rofl). and... it's dedicated to you big boy :>
And lastly, i just wanna say (i'm not trying to sound mean here) but i don't care if you dislike these singers or my singing becos they are famous and successful, while i'm not, but they are, so leave those nasty comments for another day ok . thank...you! :D
p.s.: and thankew cheehong for ending my day in a happy note :D
for a happy holiday! hmm i'm not sure, do we have a public holiday for mooncake festival?
Anyway, here are a list of mooncake treats and prices from my fwen Yun (haha she's so cute in this picture rofl). Her lovely mother bakes all these delicious treats, i haven't tried it since she just emailed me this morning haha, but i'll be getting 4 boxes myself as a show of support! Even my brother is getting 1! This is the first time i'm buying mooncakes too, fish and i almost bought 3 boxes at Bengawan Solo the other day cos he has to give 1 to my parents (lol made it sounded like it's compulsory, but i guess it is!), and i to his parents, and one that we share for my godmother :D And Yun's mommy has been making these for years so i reckon they should be really good :>
I'm ordering these! Baby's mom likes all the cutesy animals, she'll like these!
The snow skin ones always look the prettiest, and they're usually veri yummy too ^-^o
The heart shaped snow skin mooncakes look sooo pretty!!
Click to enlarge! (Not sure if it works tho..lol)
Their Specialities are : item 01, 03 , 10, 16..
(She strongly recommended these, and if you need any samples, can let her know!
To order, just simply email her at yun.river@gmail.com, sorry i can't disclose her number here! Just state which items you'd like to have, and the date to be delivered.
All orders to be taken 2 days in advanced from date of delivery.
Last order: 23rd of Sept (Sunday)
And you know, mooncakes always taste better with Chinese tea, i love Emperor's Tea Leaves, but Daddy finished all of it, T_T I don't think you can find it in Singapore though, since the Tea man at Hang Zhou said it's only available in China. The price is ridiculous too ^-^ i bought like 1 small box for $200 rofl, but it works miracles(its highly rich in antioxidants helps expel free radicals), especially for ppl who wants to slim down too!
I drank it for 1 month, and i think i was at my skinniest then, gross -_-'' i rmb i lost my boobs at that time zizi. It's veri healthy though, don't think those bottled onces from NTUC works, maybe those tea bags? Though they mentioned that it's of the lowest grade and has veri little green tea essence or smth, i can't quite rmb. I'd say yin-cha is an acquired taste, i bought it becos i thought it would do some good to daddy's health, cos they said they gave PM Lee a huge bag of emperor's tea leaves to aid his cancer recovery. I myself used to drink 2-3 glasses a day for a month and became super skinny, later then, i took only 1 cup a day cos i began to appreciate its taste and scent.
I like to read about all these chinese history, so fun! Ytd baby was telling me stories about Caocao (his favourite hero), abt the battle of ChiBi where LiuBei, Sun Quan and Zhuegeliang was vastly outnumbered 50,000 to Caocao's 800,000 soldiers but emerged as the victor through strategy. i think he has repeated this story 5 times alr, but always began asking me with this qn," have you heard of caocao's chi bi da zhan story? Never? i tell you.." lol, he's awfully cute!
Okay i bet you're sick of reading this so anyway, i finally made this steak for baby...(which i'll write abt later! now i'm gonna go out and buy some muffins, bbl!)
YAY! I just made my 1st STEAK WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE! hahahaha, i just ended class with my singing coach and headed home. Bought 5 muffins, I have a recent crave for muffins, and just before, i was obsessing with brownies and these cheese pancakes from Mr. Bean. Think i've been stuffing myself with too much dough. But they all taste so so good! And that's exactly why i love shopping for food, and for food to make food! lol
Brought the kids Cherise and Darren out for a movie ytd, we caught Hairspray, i loveeeee musicals and watching it with the kids made it even more pleasant. Love the songs, the cast and the script, it's a really really good show if you're into musicals :D Then they insisted to take neoprint but i didn't really like taking neoprints when i'm dressed down. However, we took the pictures in the end, and took we did, $30 worth of neoprints. CRAZIEEE! Darren wanted to take more cos i think he wasn't quite into stuff like that before and now he is ! >.<
My Favourite One~
Shawn's favourite "dhoust" picture The process of taking this picture was really funny, i was urging Darren to go behind quickly in 3 secs but he wasn't able to in time but instead, struck a magnificient impromptu freaked out pose hahaha which turned out even better than expected. And Cherise posseses parallel characteristics as Sadakko, they both have beautiful hair! Gosu chinese writing there too gwen!
Then we went over to their place where i was gonna learn how to make pizza from their mom, my cousin-in-law heheh :D happy! and it was pretty easy, but making the dough was the mafan part! And it had to be just right! My cousin-in-law (Xiuwen) asked me if i was making this for fish, and i was like "yeah", lazy to cook up reasons why i wanted to learn to make pizza. Well i guess i love eating so, that makes a veri good reason! :D Anyway i'll just let the pictures run while typing.
Shawnshawn is the sweetest thing!!
He got all pissed and hit Cherise when intentionally hit me! Soo cute! He loves me =D happy~
The pizza did turn out great, tho i didn't exactly prepare the ingredients i wanted to add onto the pizza so i used hers but the crust was really goood, better than pizza hut's perhaps! Just needs more refining :D Gonna make for baby on thurs, when he's finnalllllyyyy coming home -__- it's been 2 wks since i've seen him and quite honestly, i'm really sick and tired of army snitching him away from me ALL THE TIME.
Anyway back to my steak hahaha, i was just attempting to make tenderloin steak and my sister's fwens were over so i let them try! It's like super small cut but really tender =D Gosu seasoning!! I think i have a flair for cookery! whaha since my mom can cook, then i definitely must be able to cook too, actually i think all women should know how to cook a few dishes, i feel that it's important, but perhaps i'm a veri conventional person who still believes in traditions since the stone age.
I asked my cousin-in-law if she knew how to make sushi, if not we can learn together! yay! i think i'm gonna learn to make chinese soups next, i loveeeeee soups, that's 1 dish i can't live without. HAPPY! i just love the sounds of food simmering and sizzling frying fats! YUMMY! Baby is so lucky ^^v, of cos most of you might have the, "i hope he doesn't die from food poisoning" thought, but it's ok :D i think i'm a really fastidious eater, so i'm really meticulous when it comes to making the food look good and taste good! mummy has this queer habit of adjusting the food on the plates even when we've already started diggin our forks into the food lol. there's a name for this syndrome, which i forgot! It's like when you notice that a painting on a wall is slanted, you will have the urge to adjust it. heh, we have a lil of that in common.
Anyway i'm pretty happy when i talked about food today, i am so sorry if i bore you with my inane entry of gwen "not-quite-yet-cuisines". But i'll get better!